San Tome Hike in Budoia

Sul Sentiero Naturalistco di San Tome- Budoia


All Trails Map

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In 2021 our family is participating in the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge. More outside time equals less screen time. As a consequence of this challenge we are hiking more often. On this day we found ourselves at Parco Pinal in Budoia. Across the river from the park there is a map with a list of about 20 hikes in the local area. We picked the one that followed the river, hike L- Sul Sentiero Naturalistco di San Tome.

The hike begins up a hill past a little farm with a sweet horse hanging out in the pasture. The trail is wide, well marked, and rocky. We followed the red and white trail markers as well as the arrow signs for the San Tome hike. About half way through we climbed a set of stairs and discovered a tree decorated with wind chimes and sea shells.

As we continued walking we heard flowing water. We found a mini aqueduct that paralleled the trail. We were curious to find the source of the water. After about a mile we came to a beautiful turquoise pool of water. The trail spilt into 3 at this point, but we decided to turn around and head back.

It was an easy down hill walk back to our car. The kids enjoyed playing at the pond at park before we packed up and headed home. I was able to do this solo with my 2 year old in a baby carrier and my 7 year old walking. It was very kid friendly.

Contributed by: Melinda W.

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